Quickie post! Table cards from Nicole & Ron's wedding yesterday at Scribner Bend Vineyards. These table cards came out super-cute with a big fat golden Swarovski Rivoli crystal for a touch of sparkle.
our studio days are tuesday-friday 9am to 5pm and closed saturday-monday. we check email twice per day and do our best to reply to email and voicemail messages in a timely manner. if we do not reply on the same day be assured {unless we are taking a rare vacation!} that we will respond by the very next business day.
All designs, commentary and posts are the sole property of Stephanie J Designs except where noted. Please feel free to link, comment and borrow text/photos. I just ask that you refer to Stephanie J Designs as the original source and list my Blog address (http://stephaniejdesigns/blogspot.com) and send me a quick note (to stephanie@stephaniejdesigns.com) so I know who to thank for sharing my work.
If borrowing photos kindly make sure to credit the original source. Please include the photographer (unless otherwise noted photographs are by Stephanie J Designs), Stephanie J Designs and http://stephaniejdesigns/blogspot.com.
Should you decide to be incredibly ballsy and take it upon yourself to copy my papery, design work or conceptual art without my expressed written consent ... I will hunt you down and take you out. Cheers!
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